Let us introduce you to Jim, he is an amazing volunteer who not only donates to our cause but help us with maintaining our sealers on point!
He shared with us how one act of kindness can multiply and ispire others to do good:
“It started as a simple offer to help recycle/reuse empty food-grade plastic pails that were hogging space in the BB4CK Kitchen and keep them out of the landfill. Where possible, the pails arrive at BB4CK containing made-in Alberta bulk products. A reciprocal pay-forward activity has resulted in benefitting many and mimicking the BB4CK philosophy of generosity and community support.
The empty, clean pails are picked up weekly and delivered to participating clients. Recipients are selected at random but with a purpose in mind being community-minded—clients such as Lisa, who owns and operates Prospect Downs Stables. Lisa reused the pails in her business, but she reached out to other like-minded people in the community so that all pails were reused in turn.
The networking works well. Many hands make for light work, as the saying goes. Further to that, Lisa’s business creates a lot of composted material which she offers at no charge through gardening websites. Any gardener knows the value of compost.
You can relate to how fast pails can stack up at 2000 lunches per day on average four days a week. Chinook Honey uses the pails to feed their Bees at various locations and to pick vegetables and fruit locally for their business.
Cherie and Art supported my fundraising for a different not-for-profit. They used their business to support the Foothills Hospice fund drive annually by collecting donations and donating a portion of sales.
Other recipients have also been supporters of my prior not-for-profit fundraising. The offer of Albertans’ time and their generosity is well documented, and this is another example of how a little ingenuity and cooperation can impact so many in a positive way.
Generosity like that expressed above needn’t be complicated. Meshed with the significant undertaking of BB4CK little things do matter.
Good on you, BB4CK, for feeding so many school kids that may otherwise go without lunch”
Thanks, Jim for all of what you do and for inspiring others to take action!

Calgary’s Kids Today