

Thanking Winston Golf Club for their support and donations over the years!

When Bev Pede, a former Food Safety Inspector with the Government of Canada, decided to retire 15 years ago, she was keen to venture into volunteer work to give back to the community. Lately, Bev has been involved with a variety of non-profits and community groups throughout Calgary such as Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids, Kerby Centre, and the Seniors Resource Centre.  She is physically active and plays golf in the summer and curling in winter along with hiking, walking, and working out. She sings in a recreational choir, plays the bridge, and has a little “fun” job ushering occasionally at Jack Singer Concert Hall.   

Bev has been actively involved with BB4CK since 2017. She strongly resonates with our vision that no kid should have to worry about an empty stomach when they are trying to learn. She has been coordinating one of our community groups that work out of the Beddington Co-op and meet there every Wednesday morning in the school year. 

Although Bev supports international non-profits, she believes in supporting and feeding kids locally in Calgary. She takes pride in her involvement with BB4CK every time she hears the stories of others who have benefited from our programs. 

“Although we do not necessarily see the direct impact on the kids, I remember hearing from one lady who had benefited when she was in school, and she is now volunteering her time.  To hear or read the impact on “real people” has a big impact on me. It makes me proud to do my small part in supporting BB4CK”, said Bev in a recent conversation with us. 

The cause is important to her because she knows that hungry kids cannot learn.  She believes that the kids are our future, so we need to do whatever is necessary to help them learn and become an important part of our society. 

When we asked Bev how she first heard about us, it was through the Winston Golf Club 

We had the pleasure of chatting with Richard Parker, the Chair of the Board of Directors at the Kerby Centre, who is actively involved with the Winston Golf Club to tell us more about their experience of what inspires them to give back to the community. 

Read on to find out more: 

What is your club’s mission? 

With respect to our role in Charities we have the following mission “We contribute to our community by supporting children and families in need.  

Why did you choose BB4CK? 

In 2009 the Club adopted a practice of adopting a local charity as our prime recipient of charitable funds raised by Members both through their dues and by activities such as Charity Days at the golf club. The charity is selected by members of the Committee identifying potential local charities. The Committee then requests a brief submission from each charity as to how they would use our anticipated annual donation of $30-40,000 per annum. BB4CK was a charity identified in 2015 and selected to receive our annual donation because the Committee was very impressed with the efficiency with which it used the funds it received, the provision of lunches to children who were not able to bring a meal to school, the simplicity of rules around who could receive lunch and the opportunity for club members to work with the Charity in the making of lunches. 

Why is important for you to give back to your community? 

Club members have always felt that as part of the Calgary Community we should use our asset of a beautiful golf course to support those members of the Community who are not so fortunate. We have done this by running Casinos with all Money raised going to other charities, running Charity Days at the Course when all funds raised in green fees, etc. go to charity, and allocating a portion of each Members Club dues to Charitable purposes. 

Anything else you want to add about the club is welcome! 

While BB4CK is very near and dear to us we also support numerous charities that raise funds through our golf pass donation program as well as hosting tournaments that raise in excess of $200,000 per year! 

Over the past 8 years, the Winston Golf Club group has supported kids through BB4CK with volunteer support and $299,000 in donations! Last week they also volunteered in our kitchen and helped us feed over 5,500 kids in Calgary. We were delighted to receive their donation this year of $37,616 which will help us make over 15,000 lunches! 

Calgary’s Kids Today