Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids Hosts a One-Day Conference on October 22, 2024 at Bowness Lions and Scouts Hall 8551 Bowness Rd NW Focusing on ‘Creating Influence in Your Organization: Thinking Beyond a Seat at The Table’
(Calgary, AB) Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids will present a one-day training from 8:30 am- 4:00 pm on October 22, 2024, at Bowness Lions and Scouts Hall, 8551 Bowness Rd NW. This training, titled Creating Influence in Your Organization: Thinking Beyond a Seat at the Table’ will focus on equipping leaders of volunteers with skills to advocate, educate and communicate the importance of volunteer engagement, key to any volunteer program.
“Volunteer management professionals attending this conference can expect to gain invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of volunteer engagement,” said Karin Henderson, CVA, K-12 Programs Team Lead at Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids. “Our focus will be on innovative, diverse, and sustainable practices that empower attendees to strengthen their leadership skills and tackle emerging challenges. By the end of the day, participants will walk away with practical tools, meaningful connections, and a fresh perspective to elevate their volunteer programs”.
Designed for those who engage volunteers, service delivery programs, and nonprofits, this one-day training event features four skilled practitioners who are internationally known presenters on volunteer engagement topics. The training presentations will be broadcast live in the United States and Canada on October 22, 2024, at our host site location.
Participants will receive handouts, worksheets, and will connect and network with nearly 1,000 of their peers on a face to face and electronic level at over 50 remote locations across the United States, Canada and Australia.
Alli Wells, Volunteer Engagement Specialist at Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids is excited about hosting this professional development opportunity. “This is a great opportunity to bring national and international speakers and trainers directly to our community. With many of our community agencies working with limited resources, we can provide a quality learning experience without our local participants having to travel.” Attendees will also receive professional development credit units for recertification of the Certified Volunteer Administrator credential (CVA), an international professional credential for those who engage volunteers and/or programs (www.cvacert.org).
The conference will be hosted by Rob Jackson of Rob Jackson Consulting who is an internationally known speaker, author, and trainer on volunteer engagement. Rob will lead discussions with the presenting team and facilitate the international discussions and the live-stream feed. Our speakers have already been hard at work collaborating and “creating their influence”, and have structured the day for each of the sessions to build on what comes before it. There will be some engaging activities throughout the day built into the program, and at the end of the conference, attendees will come away with actionable tips they can use the very next day to build their own professional influence.
This year’s speakers will present on these topics:
- Sarah Sukhram CVA – Vibe Check: What’s Their Why? Learn Your Audience to Influence through Insight!
- Nicole Smith, CVA – Using the T.A.B.L.E. To Exponentially Increase Influence in Your Organization
- Adam Janes, CVA – Who am I to Have Influence?
- Tracey O’Neill, CVA – From Seat to Sway: Building Blocks to Manifest your Organizational Influence
Now in its tenth year, the Volunteer Managers Hybrid Conference is known for its unique format, live streamed to Bowness Lions and Scouts Hall, 8551 Bowness Rd NW where the presenters can take questions, comments, and add input in real-time from Calgary to where the speakers are presenting.
The cost to attend this training is $30 +fees and includes welcome snacks, lunch, beverages and afternoon snacks. Space is limited, so participants are encouraged to register at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/volunteer-managers-conference-tickets-1004174853017 no later than October 15, 2024. To register or for more information about the topics and speakers, visit www.betterimpact.tv/vmhc contact Karin Henderson, CVA at karin.henderson@bb4ck.org or Alli Wells at alli.wells@bb4ck.or